Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clever title

I'm way too tired to say much about this except I made this weird ass thing and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think it's better than my last "render" (if you could even call it that) but it's for sure way overdone. There's a lot going on...but I still didn't have enough time to add the other details I wanted - the plants and animals - so I guess that's where the busy ass pattern came from. Trying to make up for what was lost.

Luckily, in quite possibly the first decision Zammit has made so far that I actually agree with, he's letting us work on this renders some more next week. Hopefully I'll be able to really spend some time on them and have something kind of nice.

Update: Crit went pretty well. Not amazing, but it got a decent response. Really looking forward to sleeping. Also, the above image is actually slightly different from the first one. Not lying. Fur serial.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

so not worth it

I stayed up all night working on this. As I said before, so not worth it.

Didn't turn out very exciting or pretty...but hopefully I'll get better at it by the time I do the rest of my renderings. It's hard to mimic some of the effects I want in photoshop. I want more texture and stuff...prepare for an update on Thursday. Do your zamm homework.

Monday, May 25, 2009

grinding some angles, dude I've been more or less useless. Yesterday I made a circle. Here's me cutting it off my jig with an angle grinder, hurray!

And so then I had this...I thought it looked like a much smoother circle, but it doesn't appear so in pictures. This is a bummer...but the circle is a fairly unimportant part of my design anyhow.

And so that other thing I made is the smaller metal nest thingy. I was having some trouble welding today, so this one isn't so nice, but hopefully I'll be better at it next time. The one shown is actually only about half as long as a final one, and there will be seven.

So now my dilemma is what to do about the finish...I actually really like it raw like this, not polished with visible discoloration on the washer. I think it looks neat and that it's interesting to see right where the weld affected the stainless steel. However, there's definitely some concern that I'm subconsciously convincing myself that it looks good because I'm lazy and don't want to bother finishing it. Bleh...

Anyway, today is Jenna's birthday! Yay Jenna! We got our helices pierced to celebrate.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Boca Seda

Lani Imre is an incredible artist. I'm going to try and mimic her style for my image boards for my chair...if there ever is a chair...

So effing lazy today...went to Bunk Space last night, a warehouse in OTR that a bunch of artists and musicians bought or rented or something. My roommate's new boytoy played a set there, along with a whole bunch of others. He was really great, it was the first time I'd heard him other than eavesdropping on him playing in her room. There were some other really fun bands there, and a really interesting atmosphere...there were all these huge cardboard trees, and films of leaves and trees projected on the walls. Shea played at the "campfire," a bunch of old tv's playing a loop of - you'll never guess - a campfire, with some very questionably constructed benches all around it. All around a good time, even including the angry hippy that I got into a yelling match with in line for the bathroom. Some people don't understand the difference between finding an art piece interesting and finding an art piece good. Even if he didn't understand the difference, he can still fuck off for yelling at me, regardless of whether I liked it or not. Where's the peace and love? Where? I say I won...he ended up running into the bathroom. Aggros.

I wish I had taken some time I go I'll remember my camera. Here's the flyer, though, for a taste...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mistakes were made

A) Apparently Ross was actually the first to tell me why my pictures were f'd up. So, Ross and John are both way smarter than me. Thanks.

B) Corgi puppies ARE pretty damn cute. This is a corgi puppy named Cloe, just like my dog is named Chloe but spelled right. Please note the puppy growing some godzam humongous ears:

Big ears

really big ears

Holy shit my ears are 4 times the size of my face!! I'm a superhero with the power to block out the suns of my enemies with my huge ass ears!!

You're quite welcome.


John Ariosa is really smart. RGB, not CMYK.

I drank heavily last night. Fuck work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maxed out like your mama's credit card

Dude, I am tired. Here is a shoe I rendered. It's one of my worst renderings, but blogger is fucking up the colors on all the other ones. I'll post 'em later...