Monday, September 29, 2008

New quarter...hurray...cough, cough...

In the words of Tony Kawanari, I'm in serious need of some "flair."

I don't really know what this means, and I'm a little afraid that it's cheating if I skip the mechanics and head straight for the flair. Haven't really skipped the mechanics, least not for lack of trying. I try. And struggle.

So, how do I think I can find the flair? Some practical ideas...

1.) At least 30 sketch pages a week, at least, regardless of whether I need to do the pages for class or not. This may be lax (I didn't forget that you suggested 50 pages, Michael), but let's be realistic here. 30 sketches a week is way more than I would do if I had a choice in the matter. I might actually do 30 sketches a week. 30 sketches of stuff I feel like sketching.

Do things have to be ID related or in an ID style to count as sketches? Can I run around and draw people for a while? Does that even count?

2.) I will study the sketching I really like and copy one sketch page a week. I will copy a full sketch page with beautiful composition (something I struggle with) and undeniable spontaneity (another thing I struggle with) until it starts to show the characteristics I admired in the original. Then I'll burn it.

3.) Try a different medium each weak, keeping in mind my beefs with the medium from the week before (make any sense?) So, I'm sick of the hairy lines from using pencil? Switch to pen. Sick of the unforgivable nature of pen? Try a light marker that I can build up. Sick of using anything I have to use like a pencil? Fuck it, use oil paints. Sketchbook Pro, blow pens, india ink, whatever. Just keep trying, 10 different mediums, 10 different sketches, 10 different weeks. I'm hoping that by forcing myself to switch things up I might stumble on something I actually really, truly like.

Maybe. Who knows.

These are my goals.

Peace out.