Monday, October 13, 2008

While I'm working on inspiration....

...I'm going to rip off some of the genius ideas from Cradle to Cradle. Just to remind myself. Because it's way important. To make sentence fragments. To know you're going to be awake for the next two days. To find some sort of distraction from doing "real" work. Anyhoo...some of this is also ripped off from friends, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Irvine Welsh and Chuck Palahniuk books, and Pulp Fiction. Sorry guys. If there is an original thought in this I apologize to all involved parties...this is entirely for my own benefit anyway.

Sustainability is not just about the environment - it's about being socially responsible.

Be the tree - make things that make the world a better place and and create good things for the environment and fellow earth dwellers. Don't just make it "less bad." Less bad is no good.

Cheeky bunnies are funny bunnies and funny bunnies are fun. Who wants a boring bunny?

A honey bunny could potentially put up with a boring bunny. Who knows what they're thinking anyway. Honey bunnies get around the block.

This assignment is a wee bit boring (no offense to the good people involved, just not my cuppa tea), so I think by involving more bunnies the overall quality of the finished product will improve tremendously.

Nix cords. They're a pain in the ass, they lose power, and they're hella easy to lose.

Solar panels? Alternative energies?

All I really know is I want to make this thing fun. Maybe then people like me (who feel put upon by the constant surge and surrounding business of technology) will be less intimidated by the machines. Zen divides people into two groups - artists and mechanics or something like that (I don't have the bloody book with me and I don't remember anyway, buzz off). The artists are just terrified and alienated because there's such a lack of beauty (aside from that sparce, function driven beauty engineers get off on). Maybe bring some of that to the insides? I's late...

I should stop. Here's hoping this will get my juices flowing tomorrow. And hoping this little rant doesn't turn off any potential employers - I'll be a good intern, promise! :)

Peace out y'all.

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