Saturday, May 16, 2009

Boca Seda

Lani Imre is an incredible artist. I'm going to try and mimic her style for my image boards for my chair...if there ever is a chair...

So effing lazy today...went to Bunk Space last night, a warehouse in OTR that a bunch of artists and musicians bought or rented or something. My roommate's new boytoy played a set there, along with a whole bunch of others. He was really great, it was the first time I'd heard him other than eavesdropping on him playing in her room. There were some other really fun bands there, and a really interesting atmosphere...there were all these huge cardboard trees, and films of leaves and trees projected on the walls. Shea played at the "campfire," a bunch of old tv's playing a loop of - you'll never guess - a campfire, with some very questionably constructed benches all around it. All around a good time, even including the angry hippy that I got into a yelling match with in line for the bathroom. Some people don't understand the difference between finding an art piece interesting and finding an art piece good. Even if he didn't understand the difference, he can still fuck off for yelling at me, regardless of whether I liked it or not. Where's the peace and love? Where? I say I won...he ended up running into the bathroom. Aggros.

I wish I had taken some time I go I'll remember my camera. Here's the flyer, though, for a taste...

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