Monday, May 25, 2009

grinding some angles, dude I've been more or less useless. Yesterday I made a circle. Here's me cutting it off my jig with an angle grinder, hurray!

And so then I had this...I thought it looked like a much smoother circle, but it doesn't appear so in pictures. This is a bummer...but the circle is a fairly unimportant part of my design anyhow.

And so that other thing I made is the smaller metal nest thingy. I was having some trouble welding today, so this one isn't so nice, but hopefully I'll be better at it next time. The one shown is actually only about half as long as a final one, and there will be seven.

So now my dilemma is what to do about the finish...I actually really like it raw like this, not polished with visible discoloration on the washer. I think it looks neat and that it's interesting to see right where the weld affected the stainless steel. However, there's definitely some concern that I'm subconsciously convincing myself that it looks good because I'm lazy and don't want to bother finishing it. Bleh...

Anyway, today is Jenna's birthday! Yay Jenna! We got our helices pierced to celebrate.

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