Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clever title

I'm way too tired to say much about this except I made this weird ass thing and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think it's better than my last "render" (if you could even call it that) but it's for sure way overdone. There's a lot going on...but I still didn't have enough time to add the other details I wanted - the plants and animals - so I guess that's where the busy ass pattern came from. Trying to make up for what was lost.

Luckily, in quite possibly the first decision Zammit has made so far that I actually agree with, he's letting us work on this renders some more next week. Hopefully I'll be able to really spend some time on them and have something kind of nice.

Update: Crit went pretty well. Not amazing, but it got a decent response. Really looking forward to sleeping. Also, the above image is actually slightly different from the first one. Not lying. Fur serial.

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